In a groundbreaking development, the Associated Students of the University of British Columbia (AMS) and the Interfraternity Council (IFC) have solidified their commitment to student safety and cooperation through the approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on September 7th, 2023. This MOU, which follows more than four years after the IFC's de-chartering as a club within the AMS, represents a significant leap forward in their relationship. It establishes formalized channels of collaboration and accountability, ensuring that both organizations are working in tandem to enhance the UBC community's quality of life.
Member Spotlight: Jake and Arhum
With Jumpstart approaching, the gentlemen of UBC fraternities are looking forward to our 2023 Fall Rush! We love to showcase members which lead by example and contribute to their Fraternity as well as the greater UBC community.
In the spirit of community, our Brotherhood Spotlight begins with Brother Sawatzsky and Brother Rana of Beta Theta Pi
Brother Sawatzsky is majoring in Behavioural Neuroscience, researching treatments for mental illness. He has dedicated much of his free time to giving back, fundraising over $10,000 for various charities, embracing the spirit of service as Beta’s philanthropy chair, to his role as Operations Lead at Drop The Puck for Mental Health, which has raised $130,000 for the Canadian Mental Health Association to date. Here’s what Brother Sawatzsky had to say about his time in Beta:
Brother Rana is a BCom student specializing in Accounting and Real Estate; he has made his mark as the AVP Finance of the AMS at UBC. His accounting knowledge has position for success at JP Morgan Securities, securing a job offer for investment banking in 2024! He is also a successful entrepreneur, starting Avicenna in his second year, which has since become the largest private psychiatric centre in BC by number of physicians. This is what Brother Rana had to say about his time in Beta:
They became friends in Fall 2021 as pledge brothers, and have since become a powerful partnership. Since 2021, the two have ventured into the world of entertainment, founding @weoutsideyvr which has organized over 30 concerts which connect local artists to a broader community through their events. This past year, Arhum and Jake worked together to organize UBC’s annual Block Party with AMS Events. Through their commitment to community, philanthropy and entrepreneurship, Brothers Sawatzsky and Rana exemplify the qualities of the gentlemen in the UBC Fraternities.
Jake, Arhum - we look forward to seeing your continued successes.
Member Spotlight: Martin
Martin Prchal: Alpha Delta Phi
Martin is a third year member of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity at UBC.
While the public perception of fraternities shaped by the media primarily focuses on negative incidents, we know the positive value men gain from their fraternity experience is an often untold story. Showcasing our members provides the opportunity to bring to light the positive stories of fraternities here at UBC. Members of UBC Fraternities share personal stories about how their fraternity has provided support, engaged in them in service, helped them in their personal development, or enriched their lives in other ways.
Where are you from?
Vancouver, BC
What year and field of study are you in?
I’m entering my third year at the Sauder School of Business where I am currently doing a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Finance.
What types of jobs/positions do you hold within your fraternity, or out in the Vancouver community?
I am currently one of two Philanthropy Chairs for Alpha Delta Phi.
Why did you decide to Go Greek?
Growing up near UBC, living on campus didn’t make sense financially. However, I quickly began realizing that I was missing out on much of the university experience and that the opportunities to meet new people were much more limited. After attending the first two rush events, I knew that the Greek community was an excellent way to become involved in campus life and form long-term connections with both men and women that share many of my interests, values, and my appetite for life.
How has Greek Life at UBC and your fraternity impacted you?
My decision to join Greek life has shaped my undergraduate in a more significant and positive way than any other choice I have made thus far. There is an abundant number of opportunities to challenge and better yourself whether that be academically, physically, socially, or morally. For me personally, the charitable aspect of the Greek community appealed to me early on after seeing how much time and effort both fraternities and sororities dedicated to giving back. My role as philanthropy chair has opened me to dozens of possibilities and sparked an interest in social entrepreneurship, which I plan to minor in as part of my business degree.
Any advice for potential new members during the rush process?
Every fraternity has something different to offer, but collectively they all strive to make you a better person. I wouldn’t put too much pressure on the whole process, I view it as a relaxed way to get to know some people and see if you relate to their interests and lifestyle. I remember feeling slightly overwhelmed when I was rushing, but in retrospect I think it was largely due to me overthinking and not focusing on just enjoying the experience, so my advice would definitely be to relax and be in the moment.
To learn more about UBC Fraternities, check out our Information Session on Wednesday, September 4th, 2019 from 6-10PM!
Member Spotlight: James
James Kastner: Sigma Chi
James is a fourth year member of Sigma Chi Fraternity at UBC.
While the public perception of fraternities shaped by the media primarily focuses on negative incidents, we know the positive value men gain from their fraternity experience is an often untold story. Showcasing our members provides the opportunity to bring to light the positive stories of fraternities here at UBC. Members of UBC Fraternities share personal stories about how their fraternity has provided support, engaged in them in service, helped them in their personal development, or enriched their lives in other ways.
Where are you from?
Montreal, Quebec
What year and field of study are you in?
I’m going into my 4th year in the Faculty of Science majoring in Integrated Sciences with a focus on immunology and physiology.
What types of jobs/positions do you hold within your fraternity, or out in the Vancouver community?
Over the course of my Sigma Chi career, I have acted as the chapter’s Sorority Relations Chairman, the Recording Secretary and the Vice President. Outside of Sigma Chi, I am currently an Outreach Volunteer for the Healthier Masculinities program of the AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre, as well as the VP Operations for the AMS Turing Club, an AMS club which aims to foster an AI community on campus. Furthermore, I represent the UBC student body as a member of the Board of Directors of the Ubyssey Publications Society, the largest student newspaper in Canada.
Why did you decide to go Greek?
On my first day of classes in first-year, I was completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of students on Main Mall walking between classes and was worried that at such a large university, I would quickly become just another face in the crowd. I had heard that university was the time to meet our lifelong friends, so I turned to the Greek system to find a place where I could easily meet people but also be myself. It didn’t take me long to realize that, when you look past the parties, the Greek system is a group of ambitious students looking for a sense of community, but also for personal and career development. As it turns out, this was exactly what I was looking to gain from my university experience, so the decision to go Greek was an easy one.
How has Greek Life at UBC and your fraternity impacted you?
Greek Life at UBC and its members have continuously pushed me to grow beyond what I thought myself to be capable of and it has acted as an incubator for my development. The Greek System provides the perfect opportunity for you to try new things, push the boundaries and to fail and learn from your mistakes. I have learned more about myself through the failures that I’ve experienced at university and the people that have surrounded me throughout my journey have been integral to my success by consistently challenging me to be the best version of myself. Through UBC’s Greek Life, I feel confident in graduating from university and entering the next chapter of my life with the lessons that I have learned, the friends that I have made and the person that I have become.
Any advice for potential new members during the rush process?
Rushing can be an overwhelming process, but ultimately, the decision you make needs to be YOUR decision. I would definitely take some time to check out all of the houses and see what each Fraternity has to offer because rushing can be a difficult decision for many and having as much information as possible will only help you. I also want to encourage you all to follow your gut instincts when making your decision. No organization is identical and there are many great guys throughout the entire Greek system, so you really can’t go wrong with your decision as long as you’re happy with your choice. Many of my Fraternity brothers rushed with friends that chose another Fraternity or not to rush at all, but that hasn’t affected their friendships now so please be open-minded and respect those around you for making the decision that they think is best for themselves!
To learn more about UBC Fraternities, check out our Information Session on Wednesday, September 4th, 201 from 6-10PM! More information to come.
Member Spotlight: Ben
Ben Huckell: Beta Theta Pi
Ben is a fourth year member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at UBC.
While the public perception of fraternities shaped by the media primarily focuses on negative incidents, we know the positive value men gain from their fraternity experience is an often untold story. Showcasing our members provides the opportunity to bring to light the positive stories of fraternities here at UBC. Members of UBC Fraternities share personal stories about how their fraternity has provided support, engaged in them in service, helped them in their personal development, or enriched their lives in other ways.
Where are you from?
Edmonton, Alberta
What year and field of study are you in?
I will be starting my fourth year in the fall at UBC studying engineering physics
What types of jobs/positions do you hold within your fraternity, or out in the Vancouver community?
This coming year I will be taking on the role of treasurer within my fraternity. Otherwise, I just returned from a 4 month co-op term where I was given the incredible opportunity to be an automation engineering intern at Tesla working out of their factory in Fremont, California
Why did you decide to go Greek?
Coming from Edmonton, I had always had a core group of friends, some of which I knew since we were very little. Naturally, it was a bit nerve wracking to leave them behind and move to a new city with only a handful of people I knew. I decided to go Greek to give myself the opportunity to meet new people and form a new group of friends similar to the ones I had back home.
How has Greek life at UBC and your fraternity impacted you?
Joining Greek life has had a tremendously positive impact in my life. It has allowed me to meet some of the people I now call my best friends and offered me the chance to grow and learn from such motivated individuals. Whether this be academically, athletically, or through community involvement, being around such a dedicated group of guys has pushed me to be better myself. The more time I spend away from home, the more I understand the value in having a support system or a strong group of friends looking out for you - and Beta has been this for me.
Any advice for potential new members during the rush process?
At first, making the decision to go to your first rush event can seem intimidating (I know it was for me). But in my case, I know that it was one of the best decisions I made in my time at UBC and I would strongly encourage all new members to come and meet some of the people in the Greek system. Especially for those travelling away from home, joining a fraternity has so much to offer.
To learn more about UBC Fraternities, check out our Information Session on Wednesday, September 4th, 201 from 6-10PM! More information to come.
Alumni Spotlight: Will
Will Shelling: Delta Kappa Epsilon
Will is a fifth year alumni of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at UBC.
While the public perception of fraternities shaped by the media primarily focuses on negative incidents, we know the positive value men gain from their fraternity experience is an often untold story. Showcasing our members provides the opportunity to bring to light the positive stories of fraternities here at UBC. Members of UBC Fraternities share personal stories about how their fraternity has provided support, engaged in them in service, helped them in their personal development, or enriched their lives in other ways.
Where are you from?
From Vancouver BC, but also grew up in the United States.
What year and field of study are you in?
I’m in fifth year at UBC, studying political science and international relations with a research focus in sustainability and international development.
What types of jobs/positions do you hold within your fraternity, or out in the Vancouver community?
Social Chairman, Stick it to Cancer Media Chairman, Vice President Risk Management, Public Relations Chairman
IFC 1st VP, President
Research Assistant, Allard School of Law
Student Researcher, Scholars at Risk NGO
AMS Associate VP External Affairs
Assistant, Dialogue and Conflict Engagement Portfolio at UBC Equity and Inclusion
Policy and Research at UBC Equity and Inclusion
Why did you decide to Go Greek?
My father figure and mentor was actually a big influence on me choosing to join the greek system. For him, he saw it as a way to give him a stable base to move through University and to continually have a support system. Turns out he was a member of DKE as well, and I instantly connected with this group of folks due to their passion for philanthropy, academics, and involvement on campus.
How has Greek Life at UBC and your fraternity impacted you?
It empowered me to push for new initiatives that better not only the Fraternity system, but support those around us and those we are affiliated with. Fraternities at UBC are inherently diverse, and that is our strength that we need to strive to improve as we move into recruitment.
Any advice for potential new members during the rush process?
Trust your instincts. If you have a good feeling about a house, stick around. You never know where that feeling might take you or what doors it’ll open.
To learn more about UBC Fraternities, check out our Information Session on Wednesday, September 4th, 201 from 6-10PM! More information to come.
Member Spotlight: Jack
Jack Finlay - Phi Delta Theta
Jack is a third year member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity at UBC
While the public perception of fraternities shaped by the media primarily focuses on negative incidents, we know the positive value men gain from their fraternity experience is an often untold story. Showcasing our members provides the opportunity to bring to light the positive stories of fraternities here at UBC. Members of UBC Fraternities share personal stories about how their fraternity has provided support, engaged in them in service, helped them in their personal development, or enriched their lives in other ways.
Where are you from?
North Vancouver, BC
What year and field of study are you in?
4th year commerce student specializing in accounting
What types of jobs/positions do you hold within your fraternity, or out in the Vancouver community?
Within Phi Delta Theta I have held the Scholarship Chairman position and I am currently a member of Phi Delt’s executive committee acting as Treasurer. This summer I am an Intern at Manulife Investment Management and I will be interning with KPMG the following summer.
Why did you decide to Go Greek?
The opportunity to meet like-minded driven individuals who academically and socially ultimately lead me to join the UBC Greek Community. I attended both open rush events and found the brothers of each chapter welcoming me into their homes. After struggling to make meaningful friendships throughout first year the Greek Community seemed like the best decision for my university experience and my future career.
How has Greek Life at UBC and your fraternity impacted you?
Greek life at UBC has allowed me to become the greatest version of myself. I have learned how to lead and my brothers have instilled confidence in myself. The opportunity Greek Life provides not only allows members to meet each other within the system, but so many more individuals outside of it. I have been able to leverage the leadership skills I have learned and confidence I have gained in an umbrella network consisting of current Greek members, members of the UBC community and Greek alumnus working in the professional world. I have met an incredible group of friends that I can hang out with, study with and simply enjoy university life with. The incredible Greek network has also given me many connections allowing me to secure Internships and full-time work in the business community.
Any advice for potential new members during the rush process?
Come and spend two hours of your evening meeting the men currently involved with UBC Fraternities, be yourself and find a place that will benefit your university experience ten fold. Once you decide Greek Life is for you, go through this incredible process with an open mind because it is truly a once in a lifetime experience.
To learn more about UBC Fraternities, check out our Information Session on Wednesday, September 4th, 201 from 6-10PM! More information to come.