Ben Huckell: Beta Theta Pi
Ben is a fourth year member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at UBC.
While the public perception of fraternities shaped by the media primarily focuses on negative incidents, we know the positive value men gain from their fraternity experience is an often untold story. Showcasing our members provides the opportunity to bring to light the positive stories of fraternities here at UBC. Members of UBC Fraternities share personal stories about how their fraternity has provided support, engaged in them in service, helped them in their personal development, or enriched their lives in other ways.
Where are you from?
Edmonton, Alberta
What year and field of study are you in?
I will be starting my fourth year in the fall at UBC studying engineering physics
What types of jobs/positions do you hold within your fraternity, or out in the Vancouver community?
This coming year I will be taking on the role of treasurer within my fraternity. Otherwise, I just returned from a 4 month co-op term where I was given the incredible opportunity to be an automation engineering intern at Tesla working out of their factory in Fremont, California
Why did you decide to go Greek?
Coming from Edmonton, I had always had a core group of friends, some of which I knew since we were very little. Naturally, it was a bit nerve wracking to leave them behind and move to a new city with only a handful of people I knew. I decided to go Greek to give myself the opportunity to meet new people and form a new group of friends similar to the ones I had back home.
How has Greek life at UBC and your fraternity impacted you?
Joining Greek life has had a tremendously positive impact in my life. It has allowed me to meet some of the people I now call my best friends and offered me the chance to grow and learn from such motivated individuals. Whether this be academically, athletically, or through community involvement, being around such a dedicated group of guys has pushed me to be better myself. The more time I spend away from home, the more I understand the value in having a support system or a strong group of friends looking out for you - and Beta has been this for me.
Any advice for potential new members during the rush process?
At first, making the decision to go to your first rush event can seem intimidating (I know it was for me). But in my case, I know that it was one of the best decisions I made in my time at UBC and I would strongly encourage all new members to come and meet some of the people in the Greek system. Especially for those travelling away from home, joining a fraternity has so much to offer.
To learn more about UBC Fraternities, check out our Information Session on Wednesday, September 4th, 201 from 6-10PM! More information to come.